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Author: Jimmy

This started out with me taking to Gone over msn discussing startrails and a certain program over at a .de web address. It was Gripper that I had last seen him and so when Gone mentioned he fancied a trip to Ancoats to try some trails himself, with finally no work to do, I mentioned I'd make an rare appearance myself.

Startrails are effectively, taking a huge amount of the same photo over a period time (1 hour+) and then using software (either Photoshop or any third party program) to compile these into one image.

This one was really a 2 in 1 kind of explore, I'd had several recce's of Sarah Point over countless months in the past, but without the right knowledge and with word of over zealous security guards on site, I put it to the back of my mind. So with ninja-like speed and agility, we were in no time climbing floor after floor of unfinished-recession hit building work, passing birds and birdnests along the way till we hit the top.

Now I don't know if it was a visit from some Druids, or just some crackheads but what appeared to be a mini half-arsed attempt of Stonehenge seemed to have appeared on the roof. With these, we set up our gear and started on some startrails, with mine fucking up - I thought it would anyway, having to press the shutter-release button every 30 seconds for almost an hour.



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