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Built towards the end of the 1980's, Bunker spans an approximate 3.5 miles of concrete RCP ranging in height, Bunker is home to multiple access points along its route as well as various chambers within its system. By far the cleanest drain I've seen but a return explore is needed.
After meeting up with Reddood outside Warrington Central. We set about finding the best access after being told various access points by different people. After finally deciding on one that was less 'ontop' we made our descent.
New with the whole manual focusing so only a few came out well.
After meeting up with Reddood outside Warrington Central. We set about finding the best access after being told various access points by different people. After finally deciding on one that was less 'ontop' we made our descent.
New with the whole manual focusing so only a few came out well.
hi which entrance did you use my name is jordan stephenson